The Lost Posts...
Every year, for one reason or another, some of my posts get waylaid somewhere between the getting out there and seeing stuff and eventually posting about it on UKB. It could be that I’m feeling the pressure to ‘catch-up’ what with work seeming to take up even more and more of my time or possibly I get a little over excited and want to post about a particular trip and maybe sometimes I feel like ‘here we go ANOTHER post from work featuring the same butterflies as the last 8 posts about work’. But these posts don’t disappear they just sit in a folder, on the back burner, in various stages of completeness awaiting the time when my enthusiasm for certain species has been rekindled as unfamiliarity has buried contempt or when I actually have some time – generally once I’ve finished writing up all the other posts and I’m pretty close to catching up. Then is the time to look though and write what needs to be written or process the images that need to be processed and even occasionally in the case of the ‘similar sounding posts’ just to post the piece that I completed many months before.